
Office Moving Tips

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Office Moving Tips

The key to success in moving your business or office is planning. Good planning can make the difference between a total nightmare and a great move. Plan and book your move well in advance. Not sure, just ask, we are here to help. Sueland Moving and Storage Inc. can walk you through the process of moving your office or business move.

Some tips to make your move go smoother…

  • Create a moving team with 1 person in charge to co-ordinate, delegate and implement your move.
  • Develop a master schedule and timeline to cover items such as vendor deliveries, internet, licenses, permits, packing, move day, phone switch over, elevator reservation, internal move meetings, post office, contractor meetings and other key items.
  • Meet with your department heads for any special consideration regarding equipment, telecommunications or special services that need to be addressed such as IT.
  • Meet with your mover to finalize scheduling, special equipment needs, workstation assembly and other challenges such as elevators, large equipment, parking garages etc.
  • Book your office cleaners and other specialized contractors.
  • Order any new signage, furniture, letterhead, cheques and business cards two or three weeks before your move. More time may be required based on your location.
  • Where appropriate reserve elevators, loading docks, parking, security and other services for both the origin and destination locations.
  • Create a floor plan for your new location showing all workstations, printers, copiers and other specialized equipment. You will need this for your data networks and telecommunications. It will also give you an idea of the flow of your new office space.
  • Create a label, signage or color placard system for your mover for the floors, offices, workstations and departments. This makes sure the items go to the correct floor, department, office or workstation. Check with your mover for recommendations as to how boxes, equipment or totes should be marked or labeled.
  • Prepare information packages for employees to include move schedule and instruction to prepare for the move.
    Require that employees take home their personal items during the move. This is particularly important for items of
  • value in the event that they get damaged. The company insurance may not cover these items.
  • Make sure all waste baskets are emptied before movers arrive.
  • Delegate 1 person per location for the day of the move as single point of contact to be provided to the movers and other contractors.
  • Create a list of contacts and cell telephone numbers and where they are located the day of the move. In larger businesses and offices 2 way radios can be very useful tool during the actual move.
  • Start Moving Now, Get Your Free Quote!

  • https://www.suelandmoving.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/United-Way-Thank-You-letter.doc